If you are in a hurry....scroll down to "HERE" and click on it to go to the page listing all the Animal Signs and click on yours.
If you have dropped in from Quester's Quarters, Gateway To Atlantis- Myth or Fact, you have already been exposed to some rather off-beat ideas and mind-images. That may have either turned you off or left you puzzled, or perhaps you missed those pages. (Take the trip...it's worth it!) In that case there is a link coming up that will connect you with Quester's Quarters and that may be worth a visit. These next few pages will draw a closer bead upon the next stage of our look into ancient ideas that keep sounding more and more modern.
And now I want you to meet the one responsible for asking the questions and searching for the answers around this site. By going to any of these links, you'll find pictures of the Quester.
Click on these links and leave this site for 1stbooks.com and a chance to obtain these two very unique adventurous, romantic, martial arts, and action filled novels. Go there now!
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One of the better experiences I've had recently was comparing Chinese Astrology (their animal Zodiac) with the western astrological signs. Rather a fascinating research experience. I would invite you to take a short excursion into this area by clicking below on the Chinese Astrology page and then selecting the year you were born to see how close the description is to your personality. Be daring. Go ahead. Do it. A few years ago it took Europe by storm. Now you too can get in on the experience. Look up your friends and lovers and see what they are all about.
The western zodiac is based on twelve months, whereas the eastern zodiac is based on twelve years. That's why there are twelve signs in the Chinese Zodiac which represents twelve years. It is based on the twelve new moons with a thirteenth added every twelve years. That may be why the Chinese New Year never arrives on the same date the next year.
Myth has it that Buddha put a call in for all the animals to gather since he had a gift for them. Twelve showed up for his party and these were then used as the guides for the different years. The animals arrived one after the other and the order of their arrival is the same as their order over the twelve year period.
Today Buddha-ism is more attractive as a belief system than ever before to the Western world. Buddhists maintain that the driving force behind most of our behavior is "desire". We are overly occupied with self and see the world through a very narrow window in terms of self and our own mind's comfort. Enlightenment comes when the window is replaced in the mind with a large wide-open doorway revealing all that is outside of the boundaries of our own skin. The believers talk about an Eightfold Path which includes concentration, speech, mind, effort, action, livelihood, will-power, and of course positive attitudes.
Confucius always thought that people with transparent personalities would never see themselves in the mirror of their mind's eye. He saw the world through a window of prism glass that made everything crystal clear if you had a third eye. To such as he, the ways of man becomes obvious and the truth becomes glaringly tedious. But why else would his words live far into the next millennium, i.e. power means never having to respond.
Moral qualities... the virtual reality of your personal essense, ah yes. We all have within us courage, cowardice, purity, selfishness, sweetness, honor, baseness, nobility, love, hate, ferocity, gentleness, fairness, justice, cunning, treachery, magnanimity, cruelty, malice, malignity, lust, mercy, pity, loyalty, falsity, veracity, and untruthfulness. All of these appear in various shades and degrees. The Chinese believe it all comes forth to a greater or lesser extent according to the year we were born manifesting itself as our animal sign.
Amazon Book Store choices for Chinese astrology including comments. Room two of Amazon Books surrounding the topic of Chinese horoscopes and the zodiac. Chinese short stories.
Ideas are always the starting point for any good adventure. With the world as a platform, we enter stage right, seek our destiny, follow our Tao, and fulfill our roles as worthy actors while wondering who wrote the script. What's fun and amusing is how often we ad-lib, thinking we are original when our role has been played so many times before and most often by ourselves. Are we really even following a script written at the beginning of time by an All-knowing Life-force or is our behavior and outcomes totally our doing and our responsibility? Are we free and spontaneous as we would like to believe? Predestination or complete independence? Looking for the truth of that question becomes part of our quest.
In case you missed the links to our pages on this site up above, here they are again.
Perhaps it would interest you to see the book of classical Chinese stories that were co-authored by my spouse and myself. Just type inOut of the Mouth of a Chinese Dragon or Beimers in the box below and it will come up for you to see.
?Copyright 2006 Quester & SiangYing beimers@hotmail.comGet our attention by putting "astrology" in the reference line.
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